Sunday, May 24, 2009

23 May 2009 Writing Update

Had a pretty productive day, and hey, this is the third day running I've updated this blog, which has to be a record.

Today's writing accomplishments:
  • Finished the draft of the dissertation chapter outline. I haven't yet sent it off because I want to think about it a bit more tomorrow and do one final editing pass. We'll see how my advisor likes it. He's a tough critic.
  • Have a second taker re: the Carcosa collaboration project. Told both I would get back to them in a day or two. Wrote up my initial thoughts on the project, and have a clear sense of what I'd like to propose to my collaborators, which is good. The more material I have in hand before talking with them, the better.
  • Penned a few thoughts on Thoon, mainly on the deep history of the setting.
Tomorrow I hope to send off the dissertation chapter outline and write more on Carcosa. I still want to hit the collaborative novels, maybe I will open up those files and begin revisiting them.

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